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Showing posts from February, 2019

Restoring PWA Site to another Web App in the same Farm

The scenario is this: SharePoint 2016 Farm with Project Server Two Web Apps Development UAT One PWA on Development Web App. I want to copy the PWA Site on Development web app to UAT to support a testing cycle. As far as I knew there were two options: 1) Content Database Restore and Attach Process would be backup your Dev Content Database, Restore to a new Content Database for QA, then mount the database on the appropriate web app and your off.... Problem:  Although you can do this with the -AssignNewDatabaseID switch in Powershell (to avoid two content db's having the same database id) the Site Collection (PWA) in the db still retains its SiteID which means there is a duplicate SiteID in the Configuration Database.  This stops the PWA site being created and alllocated correctly and becomes essentially orphaned. This method is only any good for MOVING not COPYING Back to the drawing board... 2) Backup-SPSite / Restore-SPSite I didn't believe this ...