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Showing posts from September, 2012

setting up pwa as host header - project server 2010

setting up project server 2010 pwa as host header Note:  this is a guide specifically for creating a secondary web application.  For root web app configuration, step one is not required. this is my brief rough guide to PWA as a unique host-header site that differs from your web app host header in SharePoint: - create an ALIAS dns records for your web app and point this to the root domain record for your IP address = e.g. programmes - setup your web app and new iis site on port 80 with the host header record as created above - create a root site collection - now cross-check to IIS and ensure that the binding on your new iis site has the appropriate host entry - once done, create a new ALIAS DNS record that points to your web app site host header as the target host.  This will be your PWA host header URL = e.g. http://itchange - in IIS, create a new binding for the above host entry - now create your pwa site as normal ensuring that you use...